HSBC香港 口座が凍結してもお金の受け取りは可能なのか?
口座が凍結した場合、口座振替、第三者への送金、ATMカードを用いて現金の引出し手続き、送金限度額引き上げ手続きなどができなくなるということはわかっておりますが、資金の受け取りはどうなのでしょうか? 早速、HSBCにチャットで問い合わせてみました。
HSBC: Hi, Chankorogashi.
Chankorogashi: Is it possible to receive funds from a dormant account?
HSBC: Please wait a moment. I’ll provide you with more information shortly. Thank you.
Chankorogashi: OK
HSBC: Thank you for waiting, Chankorogashi. If your account status is dormant, you can receive the money.
Chankorogashi: Is it possible to change the phone number with documents?
HSBC: I see. You can visit our HSBC branch in Hong Kong to update personal information. Our branch staffs will be pleased to help you.
Alternatively, you can fill in a 'Change of Address/Telephone Number/Fax Number/Email Address Instruction Form (For Personal Customer)’ to update personal information.
Here is the link to download the form:
Submission method:
– drop the completed form bearing your account signature into any of our Hong Kong branches or
– send it to the address on the form
Processing time (Hong Kong time):
It will take up to 7 business days from receiving your request.
We’ll send SMS and email notifications to you after updating the telephone number successfully.
Chankorogashi: Thank you
- 口座が凍結していても資金の受け取りはできる
- 口座が凍結していても書類で個人情報の変更はできる